Casey started his career in trees on his 18th birthday. That’s over 25 years experience in the tree industry. He has worked in storm damage, right-of-way maintenance, done countless round-overs & shapings, view clears, runs aerial lifts, climbs, and more. He is an advocate on safety and tree care.

Misty has been by his side since before he started. Whether it was out in the field running chainsaws, climbing and chipping brush; or doing the paperwork.

Harley was pretty much born with a chainsaw in his hands. He has been climbing and using a chainsaw since he was a young boy. He is strong as an ox and will work from daylight till dark. Now as a young man he is following in his father’s footsteps and becoming a true tree expert. Casey feels confident in Harley’s abilities in handling any situation. Harley is also experienced with aerial lifts, climbing, storm work, view clears, and more. Harley is not only Casey’s right hand man, but his best friend and aspires one day to take over the business.

Jillian is also working with the family business. Although she’s still in high school, she aspires to continue her education to work in more of the business side after graduation. However, she is not afraid of heights and has never had problem with hard work and getting her hands dirty to get a job done.

Bodi is experienced with a chainsaw and helps in emergency situations and when we need him. However, God had other plans for him. Bodi is a law enforcement officer and we are proud that he serves and protects the fine people of Ashe County. He is married to our daughter-in-love Sabrina. They are the parents of our grandsons, Corbin & Henry.

Kaiyah is the least of our tree fellers. We are anxious to see what the future holds for her. We would like to mention she won over $200 worth of climbing gear from Petzel at the 2022 TCIA trade show in Charlotte, NC in the climbing arena. This event was an adult arena and she participated at the age of six. The video is on our facebook page. Kaiyah now in 2024 is planning on competing in Baltimore against the adults.

Tom Turrisi is has been with us several years now. He is an up and coming climber who is very hard working, very handy with a chainsaw, and knows the ins and outs of the tree industry.

Chris Turrisi is a twin, literally. He was with us before COVID and came back. He is hard working, learning to climb, handy with a chainsaw, and knows the ins and outs of the tree industry.

The Turrisi’s are not related by blood, but they are our boys. They are family.